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Primăria si Consiliul Local Târgu Cărbunesti © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Agricultural Department - Survey:

Composition of the Bureau:
Superior referent Boris Serban Fugaru
Assistant Referee Trocan Mihaela
Senior Adviser Maria Elena
Assistant adviser Ardeleanu Elena Dolores
Senior Adviser Garaiacu Adriana

Main tasks:
- Establish and maintain records of agricultural records, supplemented to date, only with the approval of the Secretary and in accordance with GD 187/1997 on the application of the Law and Ordinance nr.68/1991 1 / 1992, the farm register;
- Release the manufacturer's certificate, certificates, tickets confirmation property registry records resulting from animal agriculture;
- Establish and maintain state-owned land records following receipt of the fees provided by law to do so;
- Establish and maintain records on work to improve the pastures of the city's territorial jurisdiction;
- Support the work of identifying and clarifying the legal status of public or private land ownership of the Local Council;
- Make proposals to establish robust land rental charges;
- Submit proposals for establishing robust fees for grazing;
- Provide and participate effectively in the application of land law, take measures to record, defense, conservation and rational use of agricultural land belonging to private farmers and local councils land management, the factors responsible for the preparation skills specific correct registry records agricultural and land village;
- Support the work of identifying and clarifying the legal status of public or private land ownership of the Local Council;
- Participate in identifying and measuring land area required for citizens who refer to the Land Law;
- Deal with requests and complaints about public and private city;
- Keep track and keep records prepared under the laws of the land and prepare them according to law;
Ultima actualizare 07.02.2025